Emilie Kristine Bagge, PhD Degree: PhD in Molecular Biology,
University of Southern Denmark
Emilie Kristine Bagge, PhD | RIKEN Center for Brain Science - Lab. for Molecular Dynamics of Mental Disorders

Emilie Kristine Bagge, PhD | RIKEN Center for Brain Science - Lab. for Molecular Dynamics of Mental Disorders

Research Interests

Mitochondria are often described as the "powerhouse of the cell", but in fact their metabolic products contribute to a plethora of cellular functions including signalling, gene expression, and apoptosis. The high co-occurrence of mitochondrial disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders is what drives my research: Just how does mitochondria influence neurons and their functions? I analyse neurons using a next-generation sequencing point-of-view in our mouse model of bipolar disorder.


Research Scientist, CBS, Riken
PhD in Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark
BSc in Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark


Kakenhi Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research - Early Career Scientist Grant
Awarded PhD stipend by the Danish PhD School of Molecular Metabolism


  1. Siersbaek, R*., J. G. S. Madsen*, B. M. Javierre*, R. Nielsen*, E. K. Bagge, J. Cairns, S. W. Wingett, S. Traynor, M. Spivakov, P. Fraser and S. Mandrup (2017). "Dynamic Rewiring of Promoter-Anchored Chromatin Loops during Adipocyte Differentiation." Molecular Cell 66(3): 420-435 e425.
    * shared first author